Special Occasions Books Albums & Prints

Professional archival prints

Archival professional prints in multiple sizes can be ordered by you and your guests within your gallery and delivered direct to you by my chosen professional lab. The ordering system is very easy to use and every image/order you make is checked first by me before going into production. Sharing your gallery with your guests can also be helpful so that they can easily order their prints rather than you having to do it for them or sending them the digital file.

Fine Art Books & Traditional Matted Albums

When it comes to a physical record of the story of your occasion, most clients choose to utilise my expertise and my time in designing and producing a bespoke fine art book or traditional matted album for them.

A book or album still remains an unrivalled way to tell the story of a event in an immediate, tangible way - a record that can be picked up and poured over at any moment and of course handed down the generations as a cherished family heirloom. It is also the safest way to ensure that your favourite pictures will last since no one can guarantee the stability of accessing digital files in the future.

I offer a choice of a fine art book or more traditional matted album with the each image surrounded by a window mount (see visuals below). Both use archival fine art inkjet printing processes. You can also order duplicate and smaller replica copy books alongside your main book or album which make perfect gifts. 

I help and support you in selecting your favourite images - ones that you love but that also produce a strong narrative – and you choose your book or album cover colour from a range of leather swatches. You can add a title to your cover too with your names, and the date or the venue. A proof of my completed design is shared with you online before the book or album goes into production. 

Detail of a book/album to showcase Anna McCarthy's products  - the album is viewed from the top with the pages fanned out.
An album/book displaying a double page spread to showcase the design.
Side view of an album/book in its presentation box.
A fine art matted album from Anna McCarthy's product range.
Detail of an album/book to showcase the embossing of the title - this one says Richard Seventy not Out because he was celebrating his 70th birthday and he is a cricket fan.
Mini copy or replica albums in white showcasing the front covers.
A wider angled view of a album or book on a wooden surface with the inscription Richard Seventy not Out.
View of the inside of an album presentation box showing the album in it's material cover with a ribbon that ties that together and a leaflet which guides you about caring for your family album.
An album/book that showcases a spread and the design and layout.

A bespoke-designed, hand-crafted fine art book from £650

The story John’s marriage to Bill & his 40th birthday party the following day, designed and printed in a legacy Fine Art Book:

You can see more book and album designs in the Wedding section.